
Soldier to Soldier Hawaii

The Conveyancing Process in Hawaii

The Complete Guide to the Conveyancing Process in Hawaii


## Introduction Are you considering buying a home in Hawaii? The beautiful islands and stunning landscapes have attracted many homebuyers in recent years. However, navigating the conveyancing process in Hawaii can be quite different from other states. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of buying a home in Hawaii, covering everything from assessing your readiness to closing the deal. So grab a cup of Kona coffee and let’s dive in! 

Assessing Your Readiness

Before diving into the homebuying process, it’s crucial to assess your readiness. Consider factors such as your long-term plans for living in the area, your employment stability, and your financial preparedness. In Hawaii, closing costs can be significant, averaging around $7,463. You’ll need to have enough money saved not just for the down payment but also for maintenance, property taxes, and other expenses. Review your credit score and address any issues to secure a favorable interest rate on your mortgage.

Saving for Your Down Payment

The average home price in Hawaii is $910,349, although prices vary between islands. While a 20% down payment is often recommended, it’s not always necessary. Many first-time homebuyers in Hawaii put down just 7% on average in 2021. Additionally, there are down payment assistance programs available, such as the HHOC Down Payment Assistance Loan and the Honolulu Down Payment Loan Program. These programs can help you bridge the gap and make homeownership more affordable.

Getting Preapproved for a Mortgage

Before starting your home search, it’s essential to get preapproved for a mortgage. This will help you determine your budget and narrow down your options. Shop around for the best rates and terms from different lenders. Consider conventional loans, FHA loans, and special programs like VA loans and USDA loans. While it’s possible to work with out-of-state or online lenders, using a local lender familiar with Hawaii’s nuances is often recommended to ensure a smooth closing process.

Researching the Market and Choosing Your Location

Hawaii offers a variety of locations to choose from, each with its own unique charm. Oahu, with its bustling metropolitan center and serene North Shore, provides the best of both worlds. Kauai, known for its natural beauty and small-town vibe, offers a laid-back lifestyle. Maui, a popular vacation destination, can become your everyday getaway with its pristine beaches. Consider factors such as commute times, average house prices, and local amenities when deciding where to buy your dream home in Hawaii.

Choosing a Title and Escrow Company

In Hawaii, the closing process is facilitated through escrow, typically handled by a title company. While there is no straightforward answer to who chooses the title and escrow company, many buyers and sellers do not have a preference. However, some sellers may specify their preferred title company. It’s important to note that buyers cannot be forced to purchase insurance from a particular title insurance company. Working with a reputable title and escrow company is crucial to ensure a smooth and secure transaction.

The Conveyancing Process in Hawaii

Once you’ve found your dream home and made an offer, the conveyancing process in Hawaii begins. This process involves several key steps, including opening escrow, conducting inspections, reviewing title reports, and finalizing the loan. Let’s break down each step in detail:

Opening Escrow

Once your offer is accepted, escrow is opened upon receipt of the signed purchase agreement and the buyer’s initial deposit. The buyer typically chooses the escrow company and escrow officer, although there are cases where the seller may request a specific company. The escrow officer plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between all parties involved in the transaction.

Conducting Inspections

During the escrow period, the buyer will schedule home inspections and termite inspections. The buyer is responsible for paying for these inspections, although the seller may cover the cost of the termite inspection. It’s important to review the inspection reports carefully and address any concerns or necessary repairs before proceeding with the transaction.

Reviewing Title Reports

The escrow officer will order a preliminary title report, which includes a review of all recorded documents affecting the property. This report determines if there are any liens, encumbrances, or other issues that may impact the sale. It’s crucial for the buyer to review the preliminary title report thoroughly and consult with their real estate attorney if they have any concerns.

Finalizing the Loan

Parallel to the escrow process, the buyer will work with their lender to finalize the loan. This involves submitting a completed loan application, providing necessary documentation, and satisfying any conditions outlined in the loan commitment letter. The lender will conduct an appraisal to determine the value of the property, and the buyer is responsible for paying for the appraisal.

Final Walkthrough and Closing

Before closing, the buyer will conduct a final walkthrough of the property to ensure that any agreed-upon repairs have been completed and the property is in the expected condition. If everything is satisfactory, the buyer will sign the loan paperwork and escrow documents, and make the down payment. The loan funds are disbursed, and the escrow officer notifies the state about the purchase. Finally, the keys are handed over to the buyer, and they officially become the proud owner of their new home in Hawaii.

Understanding Closing Costs

Closing costs in Hawaii are split between the buyer and the seller. Some common closing costs include title insurance, mortgage and note preparation fees, appraisal fees, survey fees, homeowners insurance, property taxes, condominium or association transfer fees, government recording fees, and escrow and title document preparation fees. It’s important to review the estimated closing costs provided by your lender to ensure you are financially prepared for the transaction.


Buying a home in Hawaii is an exciting journey, but it requires careful planning and understanding of the unique conveyancing process. By assessing your readiness, saving for a down payment, getting preapproved for a mortgage, researching the market, and working with trusted professionals, you can navigate the homebuying process with confidence. Remember to review the specific requirements and regulations for the island you are purchasing in, as each island may have its own nuances. With the right guidance and knowledge, you’ll soon be enjoying the island life in your new Hawaiian home.