
Soldier to Soldier Hawaii

Best Travel Destinations in The World 2024

foreign [Music] What's going on everybody this is Island Hopper 
TV and today we're going to present to you the   top 50 places on planet Earth for you to add to 
your bucket list. Just a reminder there will be   time stamps below so you can click around from 
destination to destination. First up we're headed   to South America to one of the most spectacular 
waterfalls on planet earth, Iguazu Falls located   on the border of Argentina and Brazil located 
in The Iguazu national park it is a UNESCO   world heritage site typically people who want to 
visit here arrive in Buenos Aires and then take   a flight to Iguazu the main area of the waterfall 
is called the devil's throat Canyon it's 300 feet   wide and 260 feet deep there also is a walkway 
around the waterfall.

Next up we're headed to the   Arabian Desert where Petra Jordan is located this 
is home to the ancient nabataeans and currently   the Bedouin people live here this archaeological 
site is 150 miles away from Jerusalem and 150   miles away from on so you can get there both ways 
it is also a UNESCO world heritage site at one   point in time the Romans had expanded their empire 
into Petra around 106 A.D it takes a full day to   explore this site and you can explore at night 
and in the daytime as well next up we're headed   to Cappadocia here in Turkey another famous 
rock formation city that was built into caves   nowadays it is a historical heritage site as well 
which also is commonly seen with hot air balloons   flying around the area providing you with a bird's 
eye view of just how amazing the landscape of this   city really is you can easily catch a flight from 
Istanbul's to major airports to Cappadocia casery   is the main airport that you would pick next up 
we're headed to Costa Rica right here in Central   America one of the most biodiverse countries on 
planet Earth many species of birds mammals and   Flora and Fauna abundant everywhere you look do be 
sure to check got the wildlife in Manuel Antonio   and the hot springs around La Fortuna and the 
beaches on the Caribbean and Pacific side if you   wanted to get to Costa Rica there's two airports 
one in San Jose and the other in the North in   Liberia you will need at least two to three weeks 
to explore this whole country next up we're headed   to Eastern Africa to Tanzania this is home to 
Mount Kilimanjaro also home to many incredible   Wildlife safaris that you can do along with 
trekking up to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro   and there is Kilimanjaro in the background also 
don't forget to head over to the coast to Zanzibar   and check out this turquoise water and when you 
arrive you can say Jambo which is hello in Swahili   and Hakuna Matata which means no worries.

Now we 
are headed to Southeast Asia to Cambodia this here   is Angkor Wat located in Siam reap located deep in 
the rainforest in the former Khmer empire under   the reign of King Suryavaman this was one of the 
largest religious sites in planet Earth when it   was developed over 400 Acres the main Temple 
complex is surrounded by a moat originally   constructed as a Hindu temple for the god Vishnu 
around the 12th century and now we're headed back   to South America off the coast of Ecuador to the 
Galapagos Islands one of the most amazing volcanic   archipelagos on planet Earth there is over 18 
main islands with three smaller islands and it   was made famous by Charles Darwin who is said to 
have developed his theory of evolution right here   in the Galapagos Islands there are many unique 
species of plants and animals like the giant   tortoise marine iguana the blue-footed boobies 
penguins and much more next up we're headed back   to Southeast Asia to the gem of Indonesia Bali 
known for its many temples volcanic mountains Like   agung Rice Terraces beautiful beaches friendly 
people and incred incredibly Rich culture with   many different beaches some of the popular towns 
to stay are going to be Cuda Legion seminyak   uluwatu and the airport that you'll arrive 
in is located in the capital of the island   called Denpasar while here prepare to eat lots of 
seafood me Goring and Nasi Goring which basically   translates to fried rice next up we're headed to 
the West Coast of Italy to the Cinque Terre which   basically translates to the five towns those five 
towns are Vernazza, Cornelia, Manarola, Rio Maggiore   and Monterosa almare while here do indulge in some 
of the local seafood along with the local Cuisine   including pesto and wine as you will see there are 
many grapes growing on the sides of the hills you   can walk around the Villages and see the amazing 
colorful houses and Views that they offer here   as well as do some hiking and swimming now we're 
headed to the Indian Ocean right in the middle is   the small island nation of the Maldives which 
consists of over 1 000 Coral islands and 26 atolls.

The capital is Mali which is considered one 
of the most densely populated capitals on Earth   while here you'll experience stunning beaches and 
crystal clear waters full of marine life best time   to visit is dry season December to March next up 
we're headed over to Tahiti which is in French   Polynesia more specifically you want to check out 
Bora Bora this volcanic island is surrounded by   a coral reef and it is absolutely stunning Tahiti 
is home to many popular tourist destinations like   Maria with these floating beach bungalows over the 
water Tahiti is divided into two parts Tahiti Nui   and Tahiti Iti you will arrive here in Papete
at the airport of Fa'aa. We are in Peru again in   South America this nation is home to some of the 
most amazing sites on Earth the Atacama Desert the   Andes Mountains and the Amazon, Lake Titicaca the 
capital of Lima and Machu Picchu. Be sure to also   explore Cusco. Now we're headed to South East Asia 
to the Philippines a place that is considered one   of the Premier travel destinations of the 21st 
century with over 7 000 islands and 109 million   people living here you originate in Manila and 
then you head out to one of those amazing Tropical   Islands some of the favorites here are Palawan 
and El Nido, Boracay, Bohol as well as Surigao   Del Sur now we are headed to the wonderful Taj 
Mahal located in Agra this here Mausoleum was   built by the Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan in the 
year 1632 and completed in 1653 for his beloved   wife Mumtaz Mahal the Dome of the Taj Mahal 
is 73 meters high and the exterior is made of   white marble, it glimmers in the sun and there is a 
reflection pool that overlooks a beautiful garden   next up we're headed to the highest mountain 
peak in the world Mount Everest located in the   Himalaya Mountains now this borders between Nepal 
and Tibet also Northern in India the elevation of   Mount Everest is 29 000 feet the first summit 
of this mountain was completed on 1953 by Sir   Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay 
a Sherpa from Nepal heading back down to South   America we are coming to you from Rio de Janeiro 
here in the Southeastern part of Brazil famous   for its Carnival celebrations beautiful beaches 
like Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon just to name a   few as well as Christ the Redeemer statue going 
to the top of corcovado mountain and Sugarloaf   Mountain they do speak Portuguese here so Bom Dia 
which means good morning.

Spending three to five   days in Rio is definitely time well spent next 
up we're headed back to Italy this time we're on   the Adriatic side over in Venice built on a group 
of small Islands separated by canals it is famous   for gondola rides also because it was a historical 
trading and commerce area during the Middle Ages   and the rent Renaissance nowadays you can visit 
the Piazza San Marco, Saint Mark's Basilica the   Grand Canal area and really just take in all of 
the history it does get crowded though and they   now require a reservation to visit now we're 
on our way to the Canadian Rockies to Banff now   there is a town here and also several different 
lakes it's surrounded by spectacular mountains   glaciers lakes Forest people come up here for a 
skiing snowboarding mountain biking you name it   very popular place also there is the Banff Hot 
Springs and the popular Lakes known as Pato Lake   and Lake Louise we're staying in Canada and we're 
going to the east this time we're going to Niagara   Falls located along the Niagara River it actually 
borders between the United States and Canada and   consists of three separate waterfalls bridal veil 
Falls American Falls and Horseshoe Falls while   you're here you can actually take a helicopter 
ride do a boat tour up to the waterfalls where   it gets very Misty or just look from above upon 
on the observation decks the Canadian side is   considered the most well known heading out to the 
middle of the Pacific this time we're headed to   the island of Maui for the road to Hana this 
windy road is 52 miles long and goes through   the Lush rainforest on the island where you'll see 
many different waterfalls and beautiful Coastline   views some of the towns you'll stop along the way 
are paella Haiku and Hana at the very end where   you will find a red sand beach a black sand beach 
and a white sand beach wailua Falls and the Seven   sacred pools on our way down to Patagonia here in 
South America it is located in Chile and Argentina   this Majestic region is mountainous and Lush here 
you will find glaciers marble caves for kayaking   around lots of different Wildlife including 
llamas Pumas flamingos and other animals you also   have the area of Tierra del Fuego and the famous 
Southern Village known as usual now we're actually   headed over toward Australia to the Outback this 
here is Uluru Rock formerly known as airs rock   this is really a unique place in the middle of 
Australia there's no big cities anywhere to be   seen for hundreds and thousands of miles in either 
Direction with the circumference of 5.8 miles it   is considered the world's largest rock monolith 
heading back to Europe this time we're headed to   the Swiss Alps a popular Ski Resort destination 
with towns including Zermatt which is considered   the base camp for the Matterhorn Mountain one of 
the best ways to see the Swiss Alps is by train   you can get the golden pass and you can check out 
the towns and villages in between where there's   Interlock in Lauder bronen Grindelwald and so 
many special places but again most people like to   go here for the skiing in the Swiss Alps but the 
good news is you can visit the Swiss Alps during   the winter the spring the fall and the summer 
and enjoy it on our way back down to Africa this   time we're in Egypt exploring the ancient Egypt 
where where the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza   are along the Nile River here you can find the 
Great Pyramid and the tombs that are located near   Cairo if you head South toward Aswan you end up in 
places like Luxor, Abu Simbel, Valley of the Kings   also while here you can actually take a Nile River 
Cruise and explore all of the ancient sites from   the luxury of a tour boat I recommend at least 
seven days to explore all of ancient Egypt now   we're actually headed way up North this time we're 
headed to Iceland a volcanic island with tons of   water in streams and rivers running all throughout 
here where you'll find many different waterfalls   and actually active lava flow known as the land 
of Fire and Ice you can also do geothermal pools   like this one at the Blue Lagoon and other geysers 
are here you will see a very beautiful green side   of Iceland as well the Majestic horses and other 
wildlife Life along with herds of sheep as well   as the Midnight Sun and if you stick around long 
enough you might find the Northern Lights now the   northern lights are a thing that you'll want to 
see but not exclusive to Iceland you can find them   in Norway Alaska and other parts of Scandinavia 
so if you're looking for Aurora Borealis you can   check out the Northern Hemisphere for this most 
commonly seen during the winter months but it's   not always a guarantee that you will see them 
when seeking Aurora Borealis because she is   elusive that is why you should consider yourself 
lucky if you are ever so fortunate to actually see   them in person headed back down under this time 
we're at the Great Barrier Reef off of Queensland   Australia it's over 900 Islands making it the 
largest coral reef system in the world extending   1430 miles they're said to be around 1500 species 
of fish and 400 and 11 different species of hard   coral here people like to go and explore this 
natural Marine biodiversity without leaving   any footprint now we're headed to the Great 
Wall of China construction began over 2 000   years ago to protect the Chinese people from the 
northern Invaders like the Mongols it extends 13   000 miles built primarily of brick and tamped 
Earth with stone the most efficient way to get   here is from Beijing and then take the bus or a 
train to badaling there are other sections though   of the China wall that you can visit but the 
easiest one is probably going to be from Beijing   headed all the way down south this time we're 
headed to Antarctica the southernmost continent   and the fifth largest in the world this is one 
place that if you go to you are in a very small   demographic of people who've actually visited it 
is very rugged and rough comprised of 90 of the   world's ice and 70 percent of the world's fresh 
water teeming with Wildlife such as penguins and   a variety of different whales the best way to get 
here is by boat from Argentina heading over to the   island nation of New Zealand it has a North Island 
and a South Island along with several smaller   Islands it offers a wide variety of climate zones 
and Landscapes with beaches in the North and then   snow-capped mountains in the South they also have 
the Fjord lens in the South Island very beautiful   around Queenstown if you go to Able Tasman park 
or Mount Cook very awesome places to explore doing   hiking you can do skiing people also do surfing 
and there are many geothermal Parks as well as   lots of waterfalls headed back to Italy this time 
we're exploring around Rome now ancient Rome has   the Forum, the Coliseum, Circus Maximus there's also 
the Vatican City the pantheon there's also Trevi   found content there's so much history in Rome 
after all this is the head of the Holy Roman   Empire because of its history it is a must-do 
bucket list destination you should expect to be   here for at least three days now we're headed to 
a Hidden Gem this is known as the dalmatian Coast   right along Croatia it extends for 400 miles 
there is an ancient history dating back to   the medieval times that you'll want to explore 
in places like Dubrovnik or havar for those of   you like the Game of Thrones but there's also this 
beautiful water and bays and islands that you can   explore all across this region of Croatia by the 
way guys I want to remind you that if you check   the links below we do have specific travel guides 
for some of these destinations so don't forget to   check the description below now we're headed to 
Colombia to guatape pinol now this large rock is   very interesting because you can actually walk 
up the sides of the cliff and then get a view   of the lake and the surrounding area around 
guatape it's a very identic type environment the   best way to get to guatape is a tour bus that goes 
from Medellin all the way over here it does take   around an hour and a half to get here but like 
I said it is worth it now we're headed to White   Sands New Mexico here you will see the silica 
type white sand that you can walk across or even   sandboard Glide along this beautiful soft sand 
right out here in the middle of the desert now   we're actually headed back out to Hawaii to Hawaii 
Volcano National Park this is home to the active   volcano known as Kilauea there's two volcanoes in 
the region there's Mauna Loa which is considered   the largest active volcano and then Kilauea 
considered the most active volcano in the world   and it's not always running with lava but when it 
is it is Raging so if you get a chance to check   out this lava flow do so there are many hikes 
that you can do while on this area of the big   island so do some research before exploring next 
up we're headed to another volcano Caldera this   one's called Santorini The Honeymooners Paradise 
right here in the Cyclades islands of Greece some   of the places to explore are going to be IA pharah 
and acrotiri four days in Santorini seems to be   perfect next up we're headed to Paris the Romantic 
City home of the Eiffel Tower if you can take   the elevator to the top of the tower as well as 
several Cathedrals like Notre Dame and sakurakur   as well as the Palace of Versailles as you go 
around Paris you realize this is a very eclectic   and artistic City with other places such as Moulin 
Rouge home to the can-can dance as well as Mason   Rose Cafe and even the largest shopping mall in 
the world galleries of Lafayette I recommend at   least four days in Paris next up we're headed to 
the Dead Sea now the Dead Sea borders with Jordan   and Israel and while here you can do a mud bath or 
a salt bath which is interesting because when you   get in the water you actually float because of all 
the salt and the buoyancy in the water there are   no fish or animals that live in the lake or around 
the lake it is basically a Salt Pond you can see   here's the mud bath and once you get the mud then 
you go in the water and wash it off it's also the   lowest point on planet Earth and now we're headed 
back out to Hawaii to Kauai actually Nepali Coast   right here is on the western edge of Hawaii where 
you'll find a lush rainforest and dramatic Sea   Cliffs as well as Waimea Canyon Hanalei Bay and 
some of the most dramatic scenery you will find   in terms of landscape anywhere in the world if you 
get a chance to a helicopter ride or a boat tour   to the sea caves of Nepali Coast next up we're 
headed to Yellowstone now this is considered a   very seismic activity Zone but there's also a lot 
of wildlife you will see here including Buffalo   grizzly bears moose wolves and of course more 
bison but you can also find Majestic waterfalls   Old Faithful Geyser the prismic geyser as well 
which is a geothermal pool and so much more here   in Yellowstone National Park if you get a chance 
it's a must-see for sure now we're actually headed   down to South America to the Amazon the Amazon 
River and the Amazon rainforest two areas that   you can explore inside of one area known 
as the Amazon the Amazon is the largest   tropical rainforest in the world with 2.7 million 
square miles also the Amazon River is the second   largest river in the world and it is known for its 
incredible biodiversity and yes we are headed back   to Italy this time we're on the Amalfi Coast home 
to Positano as well as the island of Capri it is a   tourist destination known for its stunning beaches 
beautiful towns as well as amazing beaches the   architecture of the towns actually dates back 
to the 9th century so it's a very old area to   explore right along the Mediterranean Sea here if 
you get a chance try and do the drive either on a   moped or a very small car because the roads are 
windy and skinny now we're headed to the Yucatan   Peninsula in Mexico known as the Riviera Maya this 
area is in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.

In order to arrive here you would most likely arrive 
in Cancun or Cozumel by airplane and then you will   explore Playa Del Carmen and my favorite place to 
loom as well as several of the Mayan ruins like   Chichen Itza and the archipological site of Tulum 
right there on the beach I recommend seven days   in Riviera Maya now we're headed to Arizona this 
time we're in the Grand Canyon the largest canyon   in the world carved out by the Colorado River at 
the bottom of the Grand Canyon you will find a   majestic area known as Havasupai Falls and it is 
a long Havasu Creek you can hike to the bottom and   up in one day they say or some people actually 
do rim to rim that south rim to North Rim this   time we're headed to Maya Bay located in the Phi Phi 
islands in the Andaman sea of Thailand now this   area here is considered by many to be the most 
beautiful beach in the world and it is currently   undergoing repair so you can't really swim here 
as much as we would like to you can either arrive   here by tour boat from Krabi or Phuket or you can 
actually stay in the phi phi Island at tonsai beach   so you can actually get here much quicker next up 
we're headed to Guatemala to a lake surrounded by   volcanoes known as Lake attitlan this freshwater 
lake is surrounded by three dormant volcanoes and   many different Mayan Villages the region truly 
is a paradise and popular with people who like   to do Retreats for yoga or just kicking back and 
relaxing you will find a strong presence of Mayan   culture that you should explore and appreciate 
while here it also has lush green vegetation on   the hillsides you can do some hiking and kayaking 
while here although the waves in the later part   of the afternoon get very rough and now for those 
of you who enjoy deep sea diving or just getting   in the water and seeing incredible underwater 
places Red Sea right here that intersects with   Saudi Arabia Egypt Jordan and Israel so you can 
do some incredible diving here as you can see it   is an underwater Disneyland my favorite place on 
the Red Sea is charmel Chic but you can also stay   at her get up both are in Egypt but you could 
easily spend a week or two here exploring all   the dive sites and another place that you must go 
is the whole country of Thailand.

Thailand is so   diverse in the north you have Chiang Mai and 
Chiang Rai with the Golden Triangle and many   Buddhist temples if you go towards the middle you 
have one of the most popular cities in the world   with tourists Bangkok then as you go south you 
have Phuket you have the Phi Phi islands you also   have Krabi and there's so much to see along the 
Malaysian Peninsula as well along with the many   temples there's also floating Market it and great 
nightlife but I really enjoy the culture and the   people now we're headed to one of the Premier 
cities in the world this one is Dubai and the   reason we put this on the list is because it's a 
very futuristic city they have the Museum of the   future home to the world's tallest building Burj 
Khalifa they also have some impressive projects   where they're building Islands largest ferris 
wheel in the world Lots going on in Dubai and   I would say it is worth at least checking out 
although you could easily stay several weeks in   Dubai I'm going to recommend 72 to 96 hours 
if it's your very first time just to get a   feel for the city try to avoid the summer months 
June July and August because it's extremely hot   now we're headed to the Big Apple out here in New 
York and definitely one of the Premier cities in   all of the world just like Dubai if you've not 
been to the Big Apple I would highly recommend   getting over there at least once checking out 
Manhattan Times Square all of those areas that   you know so well and yes New York City is a true 
gem for NYC I would recommend around three to four   days just exploring if it's your very first 
time all right guys that's going to conclude   this list of 50 best travel destinations around 
the world we could do a part two with another 50   if you would like including places like Raja Ampat, the islands of Palau we could also include   Vietnam and so much more Cape Town South Africa 
if you guys want a part two let us know in the   comments and watch some more of our other videos 
including 25 best cities in Europe as well as our   most recent video right here and a big thanks 
to all the subscribers to Island Hopper TV

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